Wednesday, November 18, 2015

In the long run..

I had felt a whirlwind of emotions these past few weeks (?). I did not seem to realize that November is already leaving its dates and slowly welcoming us again with December and its holiday feels. sighs

New community. New struggles.
After I have been officially part of a certain clique, I actually find it enjoying! On the downside of this, it is quite time consuming, especially when most of time you are the only one contributing the most and some of the members were a bit inefficient while entertaining the others with your most 'Ms. Congeniality' appeal. smh. Still, I don't want to quit yet, it's too early for that. I just want to see how far this would go.

My older sister lately sucks bigtime. If I were just the ate..if and only if.. I hope she will fix this sooner. smh again

Same old friends.
Who would have knew that I just need some pep talk from my oldies but goodies friends of mine to brighten up my mood this past few lonesome weeks? IT'S FREAKINGGGG GOOOOOOD! I heart you guys bigtime! Hihi :)

Heh. I promise to spend my remaining APEC days in improving my tasks at work.TIME MANAGEMENT ON!

Sorry for the short post! Just...hug a potato! Anyone?

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