Friday, October 16, 2015


This week has been a whirlwind of emotions for me; at work and at home as well.
But whenever I start to blog, I go blank. Geez.

Money can't buy you happiness, as a song says. Money is the root of all evil, as the bible says. Money makes the world go round, as a quote says. And the thing I hate about money is how it horribly changes a person; how it transforms life into an unlikable one...and the person doesn't seem to notice it to himself. And when you encounter that moment.. it's now hard to make them understand your point.

Honestly, I'm still struggling to where and when.

I'm now finally entitled to practice my right to suffrage this coming elections. One might be wondering why I'm saying this when I can only contribute a vote against the others who will be just paid on the election day itself by the corrupt politicians of our country. Well, a vote is a vote. I pledge to myself to vote ONLY the politicians with a fitting perspective of solutions to our country's wastes and shits. It's sickening to see the vicious cycle of media playing and false propagandas proliferating around  the eyes and ears of every citizens of the country. Wake up! Think!

So don't be afraid.

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