Saturday, October 10, 2015


Late afterthoughts.

Sometime last week, my high school BFFs and I had finally met up again after the years of battling on our college days and struggling to land on a decent work after graduation. 

We came up with different activities or trips we would like to do on that day. I suggested to watch a historical-based movie that was currently showing on our local cinemas nearby, but then, they refused at my idea. So what's wrong with that? Ah, maybe they have much more ideas they could think of, but to my disappointment, we ended up of just eating and do chitchat about our batch mates and give unsolicited inferences regarding with their lives that are just purely based on their Facebook stories/walls. 

Nevertheless, I do not hate my BFFs nor come clean that I was not doing the 'chitchat thing' for the whole 21 years of my life, but come on! Can't we be more sensible when it comes to talking? Everyone does that, probably our batch mates too, were also 'chitchatting' about us. I just want a mature, intellectual idea-generating discussion.

Or maybe I expected too much. I didn't realize they were not my former college classmates; we were not sharing the same work environment; we graduated in different degrees..

But it matters. Everything matters. We will not always evolve in others' lives, but in our own life and philosophy we create for ourselves. 

Photo not mine; but I think my post is totally related to this. Hi BFFs! :)

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