Saturday, March 26, 2016

Whirlwind of thoughts

Hi! I'm here again! Well I guess this summer of mine is a good one (not that great  yet, not yet.) It was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that I experienced which is good, at least, it isn't always being sad or lonely.

I have not read yet on my next book for two reasons: 1. It is a nice dystopian lit 2. Jargons
The second one puts me off guard. The book's genre is actually Science and Dystopian Fiction. I liked the Dystopian part because I want to know the idea of this world, I mean who likes negatives in a world? Probably me. LOL. hahahaha. The Science part knocks me down, I don't like the jargons of it because I cannot understand at all! And that would mean, I know nothing about Science, what a shame right? geez.
I'll probably do or read an analysis/synopsis of this because it is really damn interesting. Also to gain knowledge about deep science. Some things really need to take great efforts so to understand it.

Today also, I got to meet again my lovable best friends! Yay! We visited one of my best friends' house and hanged out there! You know, sometimes the place and time doesn't even matter anymore when you're with a bunch of cool friends. I'm being honest right now. hahaha.

Do you still remember the radio show thing? Yes, I still went for it and I guess I did fairly well. So why fairly well? I kept on moving my mic leading to such eerie sounds on-air. That was really embarrassing that the DJ might thought I'm ignorant. lmao. IT WAS MY FIRST TIME ANYWAY. Another thing is, all of the sounds around me and outside our home has been heard by some, like the sound of tricycles and dogs. Darn, they might think I'm living on the streets or in a trash. Shissuz. And lastly, was my English. I get choked or choppy most of the time. I'm really disappointed on that part, and I think I have to listen again on that once the recorded episode comes out.
On the DJ's part, he pointed out also the sensitive topics like religion and sex. Although there was a disclaimer before the show starts, I think it is still necessary to limit such talks with these topics as younger listeners were expected to stream. I'm not saying he shouldn't have these because it is really inevitable but still, he should have been more objective and less being self-centered on his words. Also I think he has a nice voice but not on his attitude. Sorry not sorry.
I don't really care on the topics he raised to me because I think my college buddies' talks were much more horrible than this. hahaha. In a nutshell, I had a nice experience, something that I'll put on my good ones.


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