Friday, August 26, 2016

Shoot away

Hey! It has been awhile, right? Many things had happened to me lately, and I can't really run it down right away, so.. at work! I'm going for 5th month by September, yay! On good side of it, I'm thankful that I got a wonderful company where work is valued as much as the employee. Although I can see that I won't last long in there, but I realized that you would only experience new things outside your environment if you would let yourself.

On the downside of this, remember I had two jobs at the moment, right? It sucks bigtime actually. I barely had enough sleep everyday  (and barely have enough time to enjoy/make fun with friends) since time isn't in my hands.  And also if you're under controlled by someone, what would you expect? tsss

I see myself that whenever I post here, it would just mean I'm pissed or it's another day of me being a loser/stupid. Being controlled, yeah, that's my mom. A narcissistic one, only thinks of herself. She's tired, she's sick of managing things, she's already burnt out of energy in dealing with others, all about herself. And I, who just always follows her orders, is just nothing for her. I get it and I'm used to it.

That's where probably I get my 'I don't care' attitude at times. However, at least, I know how to care on people who cares also for me.

This is just another day of rant, since mom wouldn't allow me to join in a getaway trip. See, 22 year-old lady who won't be able to come because her mom doesn't want her to. Suckers. She's been telling me that it's too far, well OBVIOUSLY, that's why it is a TRIP!!

I'll be forever trapped and I think on the parallel world or if I would be born again, I'll just be a nun.

As far as I am concerned, I am not a chess piece.